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CPN (US) holding 10th general convention from Sunday

Kathmandu: The CPN (Unified Socialist) has completed preparations to hold its 10th national convention. The national convention is beginning at City Hall, Kathmandu on Sunday.

Photo Courtesy: RSS

The congregation will see deliberations on the party’s political report, socialist programmes, and reports on statutes and organizations among others. In a press meet organized here to inform about the upcoming convention today, party Chairperson and former Prime Minister Madhav Kumar Nepal said that all documents to be presented in the national convention were ready.

Similarly, the party’s veteran leader Jhalanath Khanal, also the former Prime Minister, said the convention would elect a new leadership based on the ideologies and programmes endorsed in the five-day convention.

If consensus eludes, the leadership will be elected through the democratic process, he shared. There are altogether 1,849 representatives taking part in the convention. The national convention is electing the 299-member working committee and 21 office-bearers. The party, which came into being some three years ago, has claimed that the upcoming national convention is the 10th one since it has assumed ownership of nine conventions held so far.


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