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Water Resources Bill-2081 presented in HoR

Kathmandu, June 28: The Water Resources Bill-2081 has been presented in the House of Representatives (HoR), the lower house of the Federal Parliament, today.

Minister for Communication and Information Technology, Rekha Sharma, presented the bill in the HoR meeting on behalf of the Minister for Energy, Water Resources and Irrigation.

On the occasion, Minister Sharma said that the topic of reforming the water resources sector and the related laws is on the list of government’s top priorities.

“The Water Resources Act, 2049 is a key law governing water resources development. The task and process of water resources development and management would be highly facilitated after the implementation of the Act which the government has now presented in the form of a bill,” she said.

Minister Sharma said that the government has expressed its belief this Act will play a key role in increasing the productivity of the water resources through its utilization, development and conservation, as per the multi-dimensional vision of the overall development of the nation.

The House of Representatives will meet next at 3.00pm on June 30, Sunday.


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