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Madan Bhandari’s 73rd birth anniversary being marked today

June 28, Kathmandu: The 73rd birth anniversary of Madan Kumar Bhandari, former General Secretary of the CPN-UML and a Marxist thinker, is being celebrated on Friday with various programs organized by CPN(UML) and the Madan Bhandari Foundation.

The Foundation has scheduled a National Thought Symposium and the Madan Bhandari National Award ceremony. These events will be held at the Tulsi Lal Memorial Foundation in Chasal at 1:30 PM, with CPN-UML Chairman KP Sharma Oli as the chief guest. The award this year will be given to the Kanchenjunga Tea Garden Center in Panchthar​.

Madan Bhandari, born on June 27, 1952, in Dhungesanghu, Taplejung, was a key figure in Nepali politics, known for his innovative application of Marxism and his role in promoting People’s Multiparty Democracy. He passed away in an accident on May 16, 1993, in Dasdhunga, Chitwan​​.

Bhandari’s contributions to Nepali political thought and the communist movement remain significant, and his vision of multi-party democracy continues to guide the CPN-UML and the communist/socialist movement of Nepal


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