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Electricity service accessible to all households within two years-Energy Minister

Kathmandu, July 26: Minister for Energy, Water Resource and Irrigation Deepak Khadka said the government was moving ahead with a target to make electricity accessible to the households of all citizens within two years.

In his address to a programme organized here today on the occasion of the 20th establishment day of the National Association of Community Electricity Users-Nepal (NACEUN), Minister Khadka said as electrification has been done in 98 percent areas it would be completed in remaining geography within two years.

“Private sector’s support and cooperation is pivotal to achieve the target set by the government for energy sector development”, he said, laying emphasis on collaboration between the government and private sector for the development of energy sector in the country.

Articulating commitment to work to solve the problems of the private sector, Energy Minister Khadka expressed the belief that it would be easier to work in the coming days as he was closely monitoring the power sector.

Stressing the need for the Federation to move ahead in a further consolidated manner with new thinking and ideas, Minister Khadka pledged to support the Federation to take forward the Community Electricity Users’ Committee.

Chairperson of the Electricity Regulatory Commission Dr Ram Prasad Dhital said the Federation should play a role in providing quality electricity service to the people of rural areas while lauding its engagement for the prevention of power leakage.

The Federation, established in 2062 BS some 19 years ago, has been carrying out community electrification works with the direct participation of the people.

Federation President Narayan Gyawali shared the Federation has been playing an important role in advancing the campaign of community electrification in Nepal by preventing the leakage of electricity.

It may be noted that the Federation has been carrying out electrification works through 302 community rural electric entities in 55 districts across the country. It has so far collected Rs 1.8 billion from the community and handed it over to the government and provided employment to 3,500 people.-


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