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NC leader Lama new Chief Minister of Bagmati

Bagmati: The leader of the Nepali Congress parliamentary party Bahadur Singh Lama (Tamang) has been appointed as the Chief Minister of Bagmati province.

Chief of the Province Yadav Chandra Sharma appointed Lama as Chief Minister per Article 168 of the Constitution, after the latter submitted his claim to the post of Chief Minister with the signatures of 64 members of the Provincial Assembly, on Tuesday.

He was supported by his party and well as the CPN(UML), following the change in the power equation in the federal government.

Meanwhile, according to the Office of the Chief of the Province, the swearing-in ceremony of the newly appointed Chief Minister Lama will be held at 11:00 am tomorrow.

Nepali Congress parliamentary party whip Govinda Prasad Lamsal said that Chief Minister Lama is preparing to constitute a 13-member Council of Ministers with seven members from Congress and six from the UML.


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