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39 percent more revenue collected than target

Ghorahi (Dang), July 18: The Koilabas Customs Office, the only customs office in Dang, has collected 39 percent more revenue than the target set in the last financial year.

Chief Deepak Sharma informed that Koilabas Customs Office collected revenue of Rs. 1 core 40 lakhs 76 thousand and 90. The customs office had a revenue collection target of Rs 1 crore 1 lakh 38 thousand in the last financial year. According to the customs office, more revenue is collected from the vehicles of pilgrims coming from India to visit religious places such as Swargadwari in Pyuthan, Chowghera in Dang and Rihar.

Lately, there has been a heavy presence of Indian tourists in the area around Dang. In this way, the customs office collects a revenue of Rs 200 per day from two-wheelers and Rs 600 per day from four-wheelers. The customs office has a target of Rs.1 crore 63 lakh and 6 thousand revenue collection for the current financial year.


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