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Save achievements to sustain socialism: Minister Shrestha

Kaski: Senior leader of the CPN (Maoist Centre) Narayan Kaji Shrestha has said protection of achievements to date is essential to prepare a base for socialism.

During a province-level political orientation organized by the province chapter of his party in Pokhara Wednesday, Shrestha viewed it as a national need to establish democracy oriented to socialism by fulfilling the mandate of achievements gained after struggles.

Also, the Foreign Minister, leader Shrestha argued people’s status witnessed improvement along with political rights after the revolution. The senior vice chairman of the party, Shrestha said, ‘We are undergoing the stage towards socialism. The political change and gains need to be made a tool to reach socialism.’

It is also a medium for economic transformation and development stride. On a different note, he asserted that the Pushpa Kamal Dahal-led government has done a lot for good governance and prosperity, which the local leaders and cadres need to publicize with utmost priority.

On the occasion, the General Secretary of the party, Dev Prasad Gurung, also asserted that the special transformation campaign of the party helped reinforce the organization. He directed the lower ranks to take to the people the issues of political, ideological and social justice.


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