On Air Station:

It is appropriate to hand over infrastructure of Radio Nepal to provincial government: Karnali Province Chief Minister Kandel

Kathmandu: Karnali Province Chief Minister Yam Lal Kandel has said it is appropriate to hand over the infrastructure of Radio Nepal to the provincial government.

Chief Minister Kandel placed his opinion, during a discussion with a team led by the Executive Director of Radio Nepal Buddhi Bahadur KC in Birendranagar of Surkhet, today. He said instead of seeking fragments of financial assistance from the provincial government for program production, operation and machinery equipment, it is appropriate to hand over the infrastructure in Karnali to the provincial government.

The Chief Minister said the provincial government is ready to collaborate at any time as Radio Nepal has a vital role in providing information and entertainment to the public.

On the occasion, Executive Director KC discussed about the plans regarding the proposal of program production for the upcoming fiscal year, including the broadcasting reinforcement, from the Surkhet Broadcasting Centre. He said the radio broadcasting service is being operated from eight

FM relay station along with one provincial broadcasting centre of Radio Nepal in Karnali. The provincial broadcasting is daily 4 hours from the centre.

Meanwhile, the team, led by the Executive Director KC also inspected and monitored the Radio Nepal Provincial Centre. He interacted with the employees regarding the measures to increase the business of the Provincial Broadcasting Centre and production capacity.


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