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Rainfall to take place in hilly regions

Kathmandu: Light rain with thunders, lightning and winds is occurring at some places in the Koshi, Bagmati and Gandaki provinces with partial to general changes in the weather conditions across the country.

According to the Department of Hydrology and Meteorology, there is also the influence of westerly wind, local wind and low-pressure systems formed in and around Bihar, India in the country.

The weather will likely to be partly to generally cloudy in the hilly regions of the country, including Koshi and Lumbini provinces and light rain accompanied by thunder and lightning is likely to occur in some places of the country, including Koshi and Bagmati provinces this afternoon, the Department said.

There are chances of light snowfall in some places of the high hilly and mountainous regions of the country.

The weather will be partly to generally cloudy in the hilly regions of the country, including Koshi Province tonight with chances of light to moderate rain followed by thunder, lightning and gusty winds at one or two places of the rest of the country.

According to the Department, light rain with thunder and lightning is likely to occur in some places of the hilly region of the country, including Koshi and Bagmati provinces in the next 24 hours.

Given possible light snowfall in some places of the high hilly and mountainous regions of the country, the Department has urged the people to remain alert as there will be partial impact on daily life, including agriculture, health, tourism, mountaineering, road and air transport in the region.


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