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Bardibas folks hiking to find undiscovered sites with tourism potential

January 22, KathmanduThe business community in Bardibas are organizing hiking on a regular basis to discover new tourism spots surrounding the Chure range in Bardibas municipality.

According to Bishnu Khadka, president of the Chamber, the hikers were elated and excited to reach Giddabas, Siddagufa, religious site Rai Mandal, Parewapakha on the first day of their hike.

“Since tourism can bring prosperity to the areas, we have started hiking,” said Khadka. Hikers believed that these places could be advertised as new tourist destinations to extend the stay of tourists in Bardibas.

Entrepreneurs, hoteliers, people’s representatives, media persons and residents among others joined hiking. Giddabas, the habitat of vultures, is within 15 km of Bardibas. For bird watchers and ornithologists, this place could be a good destination, said Suita Baral, acting president of the FNJ Mahottari Chapter.

A cave was found amid a dense forest at Bardibas municipality ward no 3. The legend has it that Lord Indra had performed penance at the cave named Rai Mandal, a religious site, in Satya Yuga appeasing Lord Shiva. A Shivalinga believed to be established by Lord Indra remains at Rai Mandal.


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