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All-party meeting pledges to collaborate on relief, rescue, and rehabilitation efforts

Kathmandu: Political leaders have pledged to collaborate on relief, rescue, and rehabilitation efforts as the country faces unprecedented disasters caused by heavy rainfall.

During an all-party meeting convened by Acting Prime Minister Prakash Man Singh, leaders committed to putting aside their ideological differences to respond effectively to the crisis.

Minister for Communication and Information Technology and Government Spokesperson Prithvi Subba Gurung announced that the meeting agreed to mobilize resources for rescuing stranded travellers on highways, reopening blocked roads, and restoring essential services such as electricity and drinking water in affected areas as quickly as possible, in cooperation with all relevant state bodies.

Likewise, the all-party meeting resolved to coordinate with the National Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Authority to provide shelter for those who have lost their homes due to the disasters.

The meeting also urged the Health Ministry, hospitals, and healthcare facilities to remain vigilant and prepared to address any potential health emergencies arising from the situation.


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